What is The Mane Cut?

Welcome to The Mane Cut a newsletter and Podcast that’s here to spread quality and qualified advice about afro and curly hair care.

Every fortnight, we interview the world's best textured hair stylists to help people really understand how to manage their hair.

So, sign up and stay tuned as we uncover the many questions that you have about afro and curly hair care.

Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support our work.

How often will I get this newsletter?

Fortnightly — we’ll share an update every second Wednesday.

My inbox is already flooded, why should I subscribe?

Because one more won’t hurt? 🤪

But on a real note, if you’re struggling to find quality textured hair advice, this newsletter is for you. We’ll cover what each stylist has learned from their career, share product recommendations and the latest industry news and trends.

Subscribe to The Mane Cut

Interviews with the world's best textured hair stylists to help you understand more about your hair 🪮💇🏾‍♀️


Sharing my journey of fundraising from ground zero.
The place to find and book appointments with afro and curly hair stylists.